Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tot School- Apples

Lil’man is 33 months.    
This week we learned all about Apples.   Below are just some of the things we did. You can see other activities from this unit by visiting Amber at The Belly of The Whale.
Language Arts: This week we had a lot of fun learning all about different apples.  We even visited an apple orchard and picked different types of apples.  So, we just had to create an A is for Apple collage using all the different apple varieties.
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As always we read lots of  books this week.

Math Concepts: One activity that we did in math this week was a count and sort.  To make it more fun I pulled out the cherries from our Hi Ho Cherry OAffliation Link game and we pretended they were apples.  Lil’man then sorted the correct number of apples into each “basket.”
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Science Concepts: We learned a little about the seasons this week, while using apple tree sequencing cards from Making Learning Fun. We read Arnold’s Apple Tree and determined what tree represented each season.  Then Lil’man put the apple trees in order based on what we read it the book.
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We also learned about the parts of the apple using felt.  I cut out a stem, core, seeds, leave, flesh and skin.  While Lil’man put the apple together we talked about each part of the apple.
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Extra: We had a lot of fun during our family night this week.  I made apple crisp with some of the apples that we picked from the orchard.  (It was my first time!) Then we enjoyed some fun apple stacking and apple printing. 
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For Fun: My favorite pics from the week are from when we visited an aquarium during our family vacation.  The first shot is of Lil’man touching a star fish.  He was so scared to do it at first, so I was very proud of him.  The second picture is of him climbing all over a frog.  He was mimicking some bigger kids that we saw.   He had so much fun!

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That was our week.  Don’t forget, you can download all the printables (not all seen here) for FREE  at 2 Teaching Mommies.

Next Week we will be focusing on Leaves! I hope you stop by to check it out!

Don’t forget to see what others are doing at 1+1+1=1!

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  1. Fun week!! At first I thought the use of hi-ho cherrio was my favorite activity. Then I saw that felt apple. ADORABLE!


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