Sunday, March 14, 2010

Family Night- St. Patrick’s Day

potofgoldI wanted to get back in the habit of having a  theme family night once a week or at least twice a month.    The goal has always been just to spend quality time together as a family, but every once in awhile I like to spice it up by making it a “theme night.”

Since St. Patrick’s Day is coming up, I had to take advantage of all the great ideas.  So, here is what we did for an evening of Irish fun.border01
Game: Pot of Gold Hunt.  For this activity we purchased the chocolate coins and “hid” them around the house.  I use the term hid loosely because in reality they were just lying around.  We did hide a small “pot” with lots of coins.
Art-n-Craft: M&M Rainbow (found my inspiration here). First we sorted out the colors then Lil’man glued them on to the corresponding color in the rainbow.
Music & Dance:  Irish Jig!  After striking it rich, we had to celebrate by doing an Irish Jig.  So, we popped in some Celtic music and got jiggy with it.IMG_4484
Food: Mint Chip Ice Cream. I am not a big fan of some of the Irish main dishes, so we settled for something green for dessert!IMG_4508
Read Irish Tales:

For Fun: To end the evening we enjoyed a green bubble bath. (Not the best picture, but you get the idea.


  1. Great ideas! I'm gonna try the green bath, the dancing and the pot of gold hunt. I think my daughter is a little young for the craft. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Have fun! Oh, and I forgot to mention it in the blog, but we used roughly 10 drops of green food coloring to the bath water. It doesn't stain the tub or -skin. ; )

  3. I LOVE the rainbow activity! We have some skittles that I think we'll use to do this with on Wednesday! Thanks for sharing your absolute brilliance!


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