Shocked! Amazed! What? Who me? Utterly speechless! Those were the reactions I had when I received this award from Cindy at 5 Silly Frogs. I have been seeing these so called "blogger awards" posted on many individual blogs, but I wasn't jealous. Most of those blogs had been around for awhile, so I surely wasn't expecting to receive such a thing, being the newbie that I am. Then yesterday, out of the blue, one of my fellow bloggers pass it on to me. So, I would like to send a BIG! HUGE! GIGANTIC! (yes all three) THANK YOU to Cindy for reading my blog. If you like reading my blog, then you will enjoy Cindy's as well. Both of us are former school teachers, now turned SAHMs with little tots. So go check her out at 5 Silly Frogs.
Congratulations on your first award! How exciting! :)